Monday, March 18, 2013

KILLER more than a THRILLER!

Smoking triggers the urge to smoke more leading to addiction. It is our own actions and psychologies that make us reach for another cigarette in our pocket. If you are angry and frustrated you tend to smoke more, as you feel relaxed. On the contrary some people smoke more when they are excited about something.  For most of the smokers it is mandatory to smoke before they get out of their beds and after they finish their meals. Every individual has his own conditions for smoking.  Once you fall into the trap it gets difficult to find a way out. It’s a maze wherein you curb your urge at one end but fail to do so at other and the fight to quit smoking starts all over again.

100 million dead in the 20th century
Currently 5.4 million deaths every year
Unless urgent action is taken:
By 2030, there will be more than 8 million deaths every year
By 2030, more than 80% of tobacco deaths will be in developing countries
One billion estimated deaths during the 21st century

 Why Quit Smoking

Smoking is injurious to health. It shortens your life span. Each cigarette reduces your life by 11 minutes. Now calculate how much time have you already let go off your hands and try to make the best of what is left. Protect your family from second hand smoke and its ill effects.

 Cigarette contents 
  1. NICOTINE-We all know that cigarettes contain nicotine that enters the blood stream and reaches the brain in 10 seconds after it is inhaled.
  2. CARCINOGENS- causes cancer that leads to multiple growth of cells in major organs of the body.
  3. CARBON MONOXIDE- enters the blood stream and cause depletion of oxygen in red blood cells.

Ill effects of smoking

  • Bad breath
  • High blood pressure- nicotine and carbon monoxide mix in the blood stream and cause high blood pressure which causes cardiac arrest as oxygen supply to the body parts is cut off.
  • Yellow teeth
  • Yellow nails
  • Retardation of growth.
  • Various cancers are linked to smoking- lung cancer being the most common,           cancer of larynx, throat, mouth, kidney and pancreas.
  • Wrinkles- Smoking causes wrinkles on face thus making you look older than your age.
  • It destroys your taste buds.
  • Polycythemia- increase in number of red blood cells that causes breathlessness, headaches, fatigue, enlarged liver.
  • Reduces immunity
  • Body gets prone to cold and cough
  • Weight loss
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Gallstones
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Respiratory problems leading to shortness of breath
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Tuberculosis
  • Bodies as well as clothes smell bad.

 Ill effects of smoking in Females

  • Female infertility- It causes malfunctioning of endocrine.
  • Child might be born still/dead at delivery.
  • It can lead to miscarriage
  • Premature delivery

Quit smoking using a Mind game

  • Medication is not require to quit smoking if you have faith in yourself and if you can follow simple rules when you feel the urge to pick up cigarette. Use your inner strength; listen to your inner voice. Feed “ I want to quit smoking” in your mind. Tell yourself “NOW OR NEVER”.
  • Say it to yourself every time you walk in front of the mirror.
  • Take a paper and evaluate yourself. Calculate how many times you wanted to avoid a cigarette but could not. This will also give you how strong is your will power.
  • Throw away all the ashtrays in your home.
  • Note down the situations when you are likely to feel the urge to smoke. Like if smoke while driving, while listening to loud music or after meals.
  • Chew a gum or cinnamon till the urge finishes.
  • Take a mint candy after meals.
  • The most effective method to curb your urge is to take deep breath slowly and exhale with your eyes closed. Think about beautiful things in your life and feel the tension leaving your body through your fingertips and toes. This will bring lot of positive and healthy attitude towards life.          
  • Throw away any empty cigarette pack left lying in secret corners.
  • Take plenty of fluids so that nicotine present in your body is flushed out thus killing the curb to smoke.
  • If you do not smoke in front of your parents, go Business Management Articles, sit and chat with them till the urge to smoke goes away.
  • Read your favorite novel.
  • You might gain weight initially while you quit smoking. Watch you diet.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Why Should I Quit Smoking

Why Should I Quit Smoking ?!?!

How She Quit Smoking - Cathleen's Success Story!

You may find yourself asking questions like " WHY SHOULD I QUIT SMOKING? "

It's simple, here are a few answers to that Question!

Why Should I Quit Smoking? Because your life is on the line

Why Should I Quit Smoking? Because your health is important

Why Should I Quit Smoking? Because you said you would

Why Should I Quit Smoking? Because you can!

Why Certain Ways To Stop Smoking Didn't Work For YOU

Your Peers
One of the most stated reasons for failing to quit is the lack of support. Through hard time, you’ll find it extremely challenging if you don’t have family or friends to see you through.
Start by telling those peers in advance that you want to quit smoking. In this way, people are more conscious about your efforts and it will help to quit smoking easier.
Also, look at your peers around you before you attempted to quit smoking. Did any of your peers offered cigarettes to you?
If there’s anyone also told you don’t bother or express any doubts about your effort to quit smoking, please avoid them immediately. They could a factor as to why you failed to quit smoking.
At times, you may get quite moody and irritable that no one can stand being around you. If you have experienced that, you will be able to tell that these irritable moments are due to withdrawal symptoms.

Lack of Plan
One of the ways to combat the above is to plan ahead. Just suddenly deciding to entirely quit smoking may not be the smartest idea. This leaves you unprepared for challenges. The spur of the moment decision to quit may also result in higher chances for relapses.
Also, trying to quit when you are dealing with more than usual stress is a bad idea. For example, there may be some crisis such as a divorce, death of a family member, breakups, or getting laid off your job may be a bad timing to quit smoking.
The process of quitting smoking requires you to use a lot of energy. If you are using energy for these unusual stress, it’ll be better to hold on and wait for things to settle down to give up the cigarettes.

No Purpose
On top of that, the reasons and purposes to quit smoking are equally important. For example, if you had an unsuccessful attempt to quit, did you quit smoking for others? Or was it a personal decision for yourself upon a self realization?
The truth is nobody can quit smoking for you, only you can do it for yourself. If you have a strong purposeFree Web Content, it will hold as foundation to your willpower as challenges come.

How Quit Smoking Groups Can Help You Quit Smoking

Those of us who have attempted to quit smoking know that this is not an easy task, but it is an important one, and there are several aids to help you through this difficult process. Products, such as patches, or Zyban, which can help you overcome the physical difficulties and side effects of quitting smoking. These side effects are some of the most common reasons that people go back to smoking again. But what about mental and emotional support?

There are quit smoking groups, which you can join both locally to you and online, which can help with the mental side effects involved when you quit smoking. This mental support can be just as important as the physical aids. For most smokers, smoking is a significant part of life. From choosing a smoking table in a restaurant, to the friends you make while on a smoking break at work, smoking can be hard to give up, and quitting requires a change in your behavioral patterns.

Speaking to people who are going through a similar experience to you can be very helpful. It helps to know that there are other people out there going through the same struggles, and succeeding. This can give you hope and support that you too can get through this difficult transition successfully.

Other peoples advice, what they have found helpful and what they have found detrimental, can also be very useful. Other people may have tried different quit smoking aids that you hadn't thought of, and you in turn may have thought of things that they haven't. This kind of sharing of information can be invaluable, and it is always nicer to hear advice from a real person, rather than from a website.

There is also the positive element of healthy competition, and the pressure not to let other people down. By connecting with people who are also quitting, you have more of an incentive not to go back to smoking - the idea of telling someone else that you gave up might be the thing that holds you back from smoking again.

Reasons YOU Should Quit Smoking

It is tough to quit smoking. People try at least 2 to 3 times before they can finally quit smoking. It takes hard work and lots of effort but if you're really determined then you can quit smoking for good.

Why quit smoking?

There are at least five reasons why you should quit smoking.

First, if you quit smoking, you will definitely live longer and better.
Second, each time you smoke, you take about 5 to 20 minutes off your life. Your chance of getting lung cancer, stroke or heart attack increases if you don't quit smoking.
Third, the people you live with, especially the children, will be healthier only if you stop smoking. In fact, second hand smoke is more dangerous than the actual smoke users get from smoking.
Fourth, if you quit smoking, you will have extra money to spend on other things than cigarettes.
And lastly, if you’re pregnant, chances of having a healthier baby is more likely if you quit smoking.
So the next and most crucial question is "how do I quit smoking?"

Here are five ways that can help you quit smoking:

Get ready and prepare yourself to undertake your quit smoking program? Set a quit smoking date. Change your environment by getting rid of all cigarettes in places you frequent and not allowing people to smoke near you or at your home.
Get support and encouragement. Studies have shown that you'll have better chances in quitting smoking if you can get support from families, friends, and co-workers.
Learn new skills and behavior. Always remember that your goal is to quit smoking, so distract yourself from urges of smoking. Change your routine in your first try of quit smoking program. Do something to reduce your stress such as taking a hot bath, exercise, or reading. Plan something to do enjoyable every day.
Get medication and use it correctly. Medications can help you lessen the urge to smoke. Five approved medications that can help you to quit smoking are: Bupropion SR, nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, and nicotine patch.
Be prepared for a relapse. If you quit smoking, chances of a relapse is high. Most relapses occur after 3 months of quitting, so watch out for situations that may trigger you get back to smoking such as alcohol, other smokers, weight gain and depression.
Everyone can quit smoking so don’t hesitate to at least try to quit smoking also.

Quit smoking now and I guarantee you a healthier, better and longer life.

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